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stupid pe0ple w0nt be entertain xD
Saturday, May 31, 2008

jus bac hm. update fer t0dae; last dae 0b tis wk and 2 wks h0lidae lia0s. w0ots^^ went hm straight aft skul, was rainin heavily... Zzz. but luckily amk nvr rainn; 0r rather the rain st0p-ed lerhhs. reach hm ard 5.40pm. watched tv awhile, bathed and 0ff t0 meet xueling; edna and cheng l0ng.

went t0 hab dinner; t0k al0t, and was lyk laughin all the way can?! tink bac 0f sec0ndary skul life, 0ur npcc life; 0nly 0ne w0rd can describe [MEM0RABLE]! i seri0usly miss-ed th0se daes c0mpared t0 n0w! p0ly life sucks!!!

aft dat, walkked ard hub and walkk hm tgt. edna pei xueling walkked, and cheng l0ng pei mi walkk hm. thannxs y0u(:

Meet up s00n! i MISS-ED my DEAR FRENS]:


writtern @Saturday, May 31, 2008

Friday, May 30, 2008

came and update fer ytd stuff lerhhs. hab skul in the m0rnin, went hm ard 4.30pm; bathed and 0ff t0 w0rk. sebas came to IP, but i didnt n0e, c0s i mistaken as an0ther pers0n; s0rrii(x cl0sin 0nli mi and rui ping, but quite fun w0rkin wit her. al0t al0t 0b tings and blahhs blahhs blahhs...
ard 9pm, k0r 0ff w0rk, came find mi, and he waited fer mi til 10.15pm and we walkked hm tgt; xie lerhhs(:

hm; bathed agn and slp lerhhs. but pg cal mi regardin s0me stuff; aft dat t0k t0 wj til ard 1am... tireddd*

i'm d0in fine(: i h0pe i'm^^


writtern @Friday, May 30, 2008

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

damnn fed-up n0w can! m0rnin b0ard the bus at ard 7.50am. the bus was damnn packed! al0t 0b ppls, and 0bvi0usly i met s0me idi0t ppls! after findin a seat, i decided to rest awhile; the bus was movin very sl0w can, which i dun0 y?! den i started t0 realise s0methin after s0me 0bservati0n, and dat is, ppls here are s0 selfish can! behind g0t space all the way; den i saw dis gurl refused t0 m0ve in even if the driver l00k at her! next, is an0ther auntie; d0esnt wanna m0ve in n0 matter wad. freak larhhs; dun s0 selfish can?! finally t0 w00dlands, al0t 0f students wanna b0ard the bus; den i saw 1 c0uple standin; chit-chattin all the way; and when there wasnt enuff space fer all the students, they stil chit-chat and dun wanna m0ve in... den i realise, dats h0w selfish ppls can be! bec0s 0b dem; al0t 0b students wil late fer less0n barhhs; summ0re t0dae is UT test... i can 0nli sae, y0u all are unlucky]:

den when reach the skul bus-st0p, the bus jus drive past, didnt st0p! all 0f us was lyk... Zzz... and we were alm0st late leahhs; den we've t0 walk a l0ng distance! h0w unlucky can we be?! aft walkkin up the stairs; i 0pen my lapt0p as i'm alm0st late fer UT test lerhhs; but when i enter the class; my lapt0p cant l0g 0n. den i've t0 d0 it 0n ws!!!



writtern @Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Monday, May 26, 2008

bec0s 0b chailin; i cum update my bl0g lia0s larhhs. kai xin n0t? hahaas. nthh muchh happened recently; study;w0rkk; watchhed my vcd(: mummi brought quite al0t 0b sh0w fer mi t0 watched, w0ots^

feel damnn $^%&*^... th0se wh0 are cl0se t0 mi, will n0e why.
i dun0 which decisi0n t0 made; everi decisi0n i made, i've t0 bear the c0nsequences.
wh0 can tel mi wad t0 d0?!

and... sharlene; nice w0rkin wit u! seri0usly(:


writtern @Monday, May 26, 2008

Sunday, May 25, 2008

t0dae w0rkin was quite fun! even th0ugh w0rk alm0st 9hrs(: knew dis gurl cal sharlene. she damnn cute and funni can? we chit-chat and w0rk tgt... l0ve chattin wit u gurl[: kn0w quite al0t 0b tings and we share th0ts tgt.

finalli i f0und s0me0ne whu is alm0st the same as mi, as in the sense 0b tinkin! yeahhs! alth0ugh kn0w u fer 0nli few hrs, but it seen lyk we hab endless t0pic t0 t0k ab0ut* tmr w0rkin wit u agn! w0ots*

i w0nder wad happiness reali is?
my life is in a mess and i'm w0nderin wad exactly i'm d0in!


writtern @Sunday, May 25, 2008

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

let mi update b0ut t0dae gatherin barhhs; t0 celebrate wj and pg bdae! wake up ard 10am and watch SN0W ANGLE*. meet sz at 1.15pm at mac bus-st0p. walkked t0 SPADE* t0 c0llect wj present; thannxs to the sales-guy fer inf0rmin mi.

walked t0 mrt; realised all haben reached. s0 waited fer dem. wenjie; poh gee and chailin came and 0ff we went t0 s0merset. meet ziyang; sh0u heng; edward;si qi and edith dere. walkked t0 cineleisure t0 meet the rest. as planning; went H0NG K0NG CAFE* fer lunch; hab quite al0t 0b f00d i guess s0? they br0ught cake fer dem; the pr0cess was funni. we were the sp0tlight fer the wh0le restaurant! we did funni stuff and etc... stayed dere fer b0ut 2hrs? aft cutting the cake; f0to tym. t00k al0t 0b f0tos(: w0ots^ nice 0utin ppl!

decidin whr t0 g0 aft dat; aft much hesitati0n; went MARINA SQUARE; wanted t0 play b0wlin; in the end p00l. the guys teached us! xie lerhhs^ appreciated! went fer dinner ard 7pm at BURGER KING* and bus-ed hm wit dem...

0ur gatherin has:
gurls: shu zhen; p0h gee; chailin; edith; si qi and mii[:
guys: edward; ha0 wen; wai ye0ng; wen jie; j0nathan; eugene; sh0u heng and ziyang(:


writtern @Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Monday, May 19, 2008

w0rk frm 1030-1845hrs t0dae. tiredd! knew al0t 0b ppl n0w. j0ey; jess; rui ping; alex; d0minic; wendy. 0nli left sharlene... wil c her nxt wk! w00ts^ nxt fri g0in k0van w0rk! relief fer dem? c0s n0t enuff ppl. 0kays. its fine wit mi(: lalalas!


writtern @Monday, May 19, 2008

Sunday, May 18, 2008

t0dae was my unlucky dae! m0rnin t00k bus t0 skul; realise dat i f0rg0t t0 bring my hp. reach skul ard 8.57am; t00k the lift up t0 my class; sudd th0t 0b; will they change venue?
as expected; they wasnt dere. ii was lyk... h0w? wh0le W2 0nli i 0ne pers0n; if i m n0t wr0ng. the area was eerie... the air-c0n and everithin make y0u feel s0 unc0mf0rtable!raars. n0 ch0ice ; i search fl00r t0 fl00r; frm 6th fl00r 0nwards. i try t0 use my lappy; but n0 internet c0necti0n! freak larhhs; at tis m0ment; giv mi dis pr0b; if n0t i can use c0mmunicat0r and ask lerhhs.

the wh0le lift 0nli has mi inside... and i start imagine ting. ^%$#*^ t00k the lift up and d0wn mani tym. the m0st scary part is the staircase d00r. i cant 0pen it fer the 1st tym; but i can 0pen it the 2nd tym. weird sia! i was reali scare at dat p0int 0b tym. walk quickly d0wn the stair; went t0 0ne st0p centre saw xixi; she t0ld mi is the same blk; i was lyk... n0 0ne wad. she sae cfm. i went up agn. n0b0dy agn! i was lyk... can s0me0ne tel mi whr isnt?

finnali; went 0ne-st0p centre ask the gurl'; she gave mi faci n0. and i cal her. den n0e its W1. it make a big difference fer W1 and W2 0kays? reached class at 9.30am! less0n til 3+pm. faci 0rder pizza fer 0ur lunch(: bus-ed hm aft less0n; and went t0 MARINA SQUARE wit cl and sq t0 l00k fer present and went t0 visit sebas t0o[: hm ard 10.30pm.

w0rkin tmr^^



writtern @Sunday, May 18, 2008

Saturday, May 17, 2008

didnt went skul t0dae; 0verslept =.= ard 2.30pm meet my c0usin. went Jack place and hab 0ur lunch(: ard 5pm she left; and i went sh0ppin myself 1st searchin fer present. saw arena they all at hub t0o[: finalli; f0und sumthin fer wj; but is n0t i ch00se; the guy help mii ch00se; xie lerhs(:

aft dat; went t0 w0rkk... t0dae reali... 1st tym the sales 0b the sh0p s0 l0usy! w0rk was SLACKK! happi* n0e al0t 0b ppls; and chit-chattin all the while!! aft cl0sin; went nyny find jie ying. saw jimmy and shi jie; sit dere and t0k t0k t0k...

went 0ff ard 1050pm; saw him 0utside hub. he asked mii; h0w u g0 hm? mus be careful abit kkaes? sensitive* as if sumthin will happen! raars~ aft dat' hm sweet hm^ yeahhs[:
tmr hab skul; enj0y^

0nce agn; i'm c0nfused!


writtern @Saturday, May 17, 2008

Thursday, May 15, 2008

update fer ytd!
end skul ard 4.30pm; bus-ed hm and reached ard 5.30pm. bathed and 0ff t0 w0rk. 1st dae 0b w0rk; stil n0t bad. SLACK(:
aft w0rk; went nyny find frens; chit-chat awhile and hm sweet hm.
aft bathin was b0ut 11pm. msn-in; and pr0b start t0 ar0se agn!
al0t 0b pr0blem recently; w0rk;frenship etc...
whu can tel mi wad t0 d0?!

frenship: even th0ugh we quarrel due t0 s0me idi0t 0ut dere; but i wun let 0ur frenship end here... its n0t w0rth it.!
CL: DUI BU QI. cause y0u s0 much pr0b. but i wun find ani tr0uble wit dat idi0t. nii fang xin kkaes? u r stil my DARLIN*;my DEAR frens(: i stil miss-ed the daes wit y0u! (: and i swear i mean it!

SZ: XIE XIE NI fer all th0se tings y0u d0ne. truly appreciate it! dats wad frens are fer. y0u 0lwaes t0ld mi dat(x MISS y0u!

PG: y0u r the inn0cent s0ul gurl. nxt tym we t0k tings 0ut pr0perly and s0lve it peacefully kkaes? wun let hist0ry repeat! s0rrii fer the tr0uble but stil thannxs fer all y0u've d0ne[:

WJ: thannxs fer being dere; but dun anih0w p0int y0ur finger at ppl when u dun0 anithin larhhs! but stil... xie lerhhs(:

w0rk: PLS st0p givin mii tr0uble. i th0t i make tings clear?!

i stil l00kin fer wad i reali wann* and i reali cant find it til n0w^

damnn tired n0w! and i'm w0rkin ltr! raars*


writtern @Thursday, May 15, 2008

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


(: W24B

b0redd b0redd b0reddd!

my funni fren(:

finally update s0me picture(: m0re pic will be p0st nxt tym!

writtern @Wednesday, May 14, 2008

UT test t0dae; was lyk Zzz... had maths m0dule t0dae. slackk & b0rin! aft skul, bus-ed hm and meet ah zhen at ard 7pm. pei her and her didi g0 buy bball. aft dat; her didi went hm; while we walkk ard and went t0 eat dinner(: nice t0kin wit y0u gurl^^
start w0rkin tmr lerhhs! jiay0us[:

i MISS-ED wad i L0ST*


writtern @Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Monday, May 12, 2008

nothinn much fer t0dae. t00k bus t0 skul t0dae wit arief and zi yang. coincidence! presentati0n fer my grp was fine i guessed?[x t00k 169 bac aft pei-in jieying and christina t0 cwp. the bus was freakin c0ld! if u were mi; y0u wil understand y.

UT test tmr! raars~

i jus wann t0 make clear everithin!



writtern @Monday, May 12, 2008

went t0 hab breakfast wit mummii and k0r, aft dat went t0 central and meet ah zhen at 2pm. went t0 submit my d0cument t0 the gurl; aft dat, we t00k 86 t0 seng kang agn. pei her g0 find her manager...

reached sk; we went t0 starbucks and buy JAVA CHIPS fer her manager; and br0ught s0me cakes t0o. s0 gudd 0b her? l0ls. went t0 her w0rk place fer quite awhile; and i get t0 n0e s0me 0b her frens t0o(: went t0 bishan aft dat; and ate SAKAE SUSHI. spent $ agn! raars~

hm aft dat; went 0ut wit mummi; k0r and my aunt agn... went t0 hab dinner. but i ate nthh; t0o full-ed[x den went hub sh0ppin and mummii br0ught an0ther necklace. we chit-chat awhile jiu went hm lerhhs(:



writtern @Monday, May 12, 2008

Sunday, May 11, 2008

jus reached hm; and i'm here bl0ggin! ytd slept ard 10.30pm, in the end 2+am wake up ferf nthh. went bac slp agn. guess wad? 5.58am my f0ne vibrate; sz called mii! sae she cant fall aslp, wake up drink mil0. Zzz... haiis. den mii as the kind s0ul pei her chat awhile[x and... fall aslp agn!

wake up ard 11am; and meet chailin at hub at 1.30pm. s0rrii; i'm late^^t00k 86 t0 sengkang, 0n the bus, em0-in! the best part is we bth fall sick tgt. went sengkang find ah zhen; aft dat went k0van... hab waffle and wedges:p i tink we wil get w0rse! lalalas! aft dat; bac t0 sengkang agn; sz l0st her wallet, we search fer quite l0ng, finalli thru the security guard; we f0und it! thannxs(:

t00k bus 159 bac t0 amk. 0n the bus, a grp 0b gurls and b0is sit behind us. damnn n0isy pls! den they keep saein i l00k lyk 0ne pers0n. their frens? 0rhhs pls. i dun even n0e u all^ nbm.
br0ught my bag at amk hub and my sh0es at 101 stati0n! prepared everithin lia0s...

thannxs chailin fer pei-in mii hm(:

and pls dat idi0t! st0p prank cal mii! i DUN0 y0u!

I MISS-ED th0se DAES):


writtern @Sunday, May 11, 2008

Saturday, May 10, 2008

update fer the aftn00n stuff n0w. t0dae faci reali nvr cum; s0 wh0le class sae ha0; 10am leave. mii and my frens went t0 causeway p0int; th0t 0b watchin m0vie, but seri0usly, i dun hab the m00d t0 watch' s0rrii! actuali wanted t0 eat BREEKS*; but haben 0pened yet... s0 i decided t0 leave 1st since we dun0 whr t0 g0.

reached hm ard 11.45pm and pei mummi g0 market eat breakfast-lunchh. den... secret* aft dat, went hm ard 3pm; slp all the way til 6pm. bec0s... i'm sickk* haiis. dere is a slight fever i guessed. tmr wil be searchin fer s0me 0b my stuff!

i h0pe i can rec0vered s00n! feelin terrible' raars^


writtern @Saturday, May 10, 2008

Happy bdae mutt0n(:
Friday, May 9, 2008

update fer the m0rnin 1st. i G0T my j0b ytd! w0ots^ pei mummii g0 buy her an0ther m0ther dae present. br0ught her 2 stuff! spend alm0st $250. but fer mummii; w0rth it larhhs~ den treat her g0 eat; and hm sweet hm ard 9.30pm(: m0rnin, f0rg0t bring hp, rush bac hm den came skul. miss-ed my bus bec0s 0b dat. reach the bus-st0p ard 8.54am, realise i 0nli gt 7mins left!!! walkked and rushed up the escalat0r; realise the faci haben even cum yet. raars*

will update fer aftn00n stuff ltr!
my faci is n0t here yet! h0pe t0dae less0n cancelled[X



writtern @Friday, May 09, 2008

survivin thr0ugh 0ut the dark^
Thursday, May 8, 2008

reach skul ard 8.50am; slept inside the bus; was reali tired )x have my UT test again[enterprise] fer t0dae. aft that, have my culture lesson; change grp t0dae. team member fer t0dae was quite fun t0o(:off fer break durin 12.30pm. t0dae went t0 the same f00d c0urt, but i've japanese f00d t0dae instead. n0t beri nice c0mpare t0 0ther f00d c0urt, but stil... EDIBLE(:

having class presentation n0w; and i'm here posting my post fer my bl0g=.= h0pe t0 get a B fer t0dae less0n! reali*

tink aft less0n wil g0 meet ah zhen; dun tink will g0 w0rk t0dae. i reali dun feel lyk w0rkin dere anim0re. i rather g0 0ther 0utlet. if my interview fer t0dae is a success; i will quit!s0 wish mii g00d luck^ w0ots~

i didnt n0e it w0uld be s0 different t0kin t0 u n0w c0mpared t0 the past.
a feelin that i cant use w0rds t0 describe.
i d0ubt u n0e anithin[:


writtern @Thursday, May 08, 2008

ice-creamm dae(:

t0dae hab science less0n; dun reali understand the pr0blem statement; but stil manage t0 d0 the p0wep0int! during less0n; was t0kin t0 chailin in msn; she was being f00l by mii~ w0ots^ wann t0 n0e? ask mii and i wil tel y0u all(x during lunch break; went t0 f00dc0urt 6 t0 hab westen f00d! spag~ nice^

after eatin; quickly rush bac t0 0ur class and c0ntinue d0in 0ur slide. presentati0n was quite 0lrites; n0 C pls! xp skul ends at 4.30pm, t00k 169 t0 yishun; 853 fr0m yishun t0 amk; and den change t0 bus 13 t0 J8 t0 meet chailin and her frens(:

went t0 hab my dinner at LJS; saw her frens; all berii friendly indeed! and n0w; i n0e i gt 3 frens wh0se name is EUGENE* aft dat; went walkk walkk wit dem fer awhile, and 2 0b her frens went hm... as fer mii; chailin and eugene, we headed bac t0 amk ANDERSEN fer ice-cream! yummii[:

aft all this eatin and sh0ppin will be; h0me sweet h0me :p


writtern @Thursday, May 08, 2008

1st tings!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008

just g0t my bl0g! thannxs t0 jie-ying(: w0ots^
t0dae gt UT test, stupid lappy damnn lag! h0pefully can get a B fer it! prayin hard!
went GELARE fer waffle during lunch breakk wit yu qi; jie ying and xia0 yang!
and n0w habin presentati0n! fun maths less0n t0dae(:

went m0vie withh Babyb0y jus n0w. watched IR0N-MAN! nice sh0w indeed! Lalalas!

s0rri fer n0t appreciatin! but; i n0e... its t0o late!


writtern @Tuesday, May 06, 2008