i'm s0 tireddddd n0w! but i still decided t0 bl0g 1st bef0re i enter my sweet dreamland(: ytd nite didnt went bugis ]: went 0ut at 9pm t0 meet cl[my listenin ear] t0 celebrate his bdae. hahaas. a last minute plan; c0s he was actually 0nly having dinner with his parents dat nites.
i was g00d en0ugh kkaes? i went all the way searchin f0r his tiny bdae cake at central. i swear it was tirin! c0s i'm wearin heels s0mem0re >.< we went kb0x. everythin started well. he had the cake i gave him; gan d0ng h0rhs? hahaas. we sing sing sing; play play play & 0f c0s... 0ur smile & laughter! we are like s0 crazy can? it has been l0ng since we b0th went kb0x 0urself :x
at 1am, we left. he pei-ed mi walk hm. and i slept at 3am dat nite. c0s i'm playin psp all the way...
29/12/2008* w0rk full shift t0day. open sh0p with sharen. and w0rk w0rk w0rk... pei sharen t0 balen0 t0 alter jeans durin my break. 0n 1pm, i had my 1st meal; mixed rice! 0n 6.30pm, i had my 2nd meal and dat is: mac fries. warehse came and send us 15 cart0ns durin 10.15pm! when sh0p is cl0sed. we were inf0rmed, s0 w0rk da0 11.30pm den finished. t0m0rr0w w0rkin aftern00n shift >.<>
w0ndering sh0uld i l0ve 0r n0t t0 l0ve?
w0nderin if it's w0rth l0ving 0r it is n0t?
tricia mind is in a deep mess!
ph0tos 0f my present 0n my birthday(:(:(:
by that silly ; chengl0ng[:
by desmond ^^
by my precious daddy& mummy[:
by my special c0lleague ; wendy^^
by my precious frens ;edith[:
by my darling; chailin^^
my birthday cake f0r 091208*
by my dumb fren; shu zhen[:
by all my colleague^^
thanks peoples f0r the wishes and present^^