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stupid pe0ple w0nt be entertain xD
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

its has been l0ng since i last update...

it was 0ur 0ff day! (dear & mi)
meet dear and we went t0 ntuc t0 sh0p f0r ingredients! 1st plan : dear wanna c00k pasta f0r mi! in the end; i say i wann p0rridge(x hehes. we went in and br0ught al0t 0b tibits! dear buy al0t 0b ch0colates; mil0 f0r mi^^ hehes. he say i can eat when i'm 0n my way t0 w0rk(: after dat; walkk back t0 his h0use; his mummy and newphew all dere. s0 he c00k f0r mi and i jus waited... eat; watch; play(:

ard 5pm, we went 0ut. due t0 my legs g0t blisters c0s 0b my stupid sh0es; dear bring mi in t0 mlph0sis t0 buy 0ne pair 0b slipper(: w0oh0os! happY! new sh0es aqn~! train-ed d0wn t0 t0wn next; meet his buddy; and gf dere. went walkin ard. br0ught an0ther 2 pair 0b sh0es & 2 tee-shirt^^

after dat; ard 11pm, h0me sweet h0me!
its always nice t0 have y0u beside mi, baby =D

after w0rk; cabb-ed d0wn and fetch dear and we went k0van t0 eat p0rridge(x bus-ed h0me ard 12am...

alth0ugh i was very sad 0ver that matter; but i guess...
i g0t n0thin m0re t0 say. its n0t the 1st time/2nd time already.!
hais~ but i still ch00se t0 L0VE y0u... ...

T00TER & T00TIE <3


writtern @Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Friday, June 26, 2009

was veryy busy recently! after w0rk; went h0me; bath-ed jiu slp lerhhs! t0tally n0 time f0r c0mp D:

n0thin much t0 p0st als0.
life has been.....
-meet dear after w0rk.
-meet sz f0r supper

tmr 0ff! meetin my dear aqn(:
anythin will try t0 update s00n!

T00ter & T00tie <3


writtern @Friday, June 26, 2009

Friday, June 19, 2009

finally my an0ther 0FF day(: happy~!

was being disturbed by a sia0 za b0r! n0nsense! scare bf run away den c0me find mi! ask mi rubbish~! STUPID plus N0 BRAIN freak! act 0ne inn0cent infr0nt 0b 0thers.!

i guess the TR0UBLE MAKER is always y0u; because y0u 0nly kn0w h0w t0 MESS up things! wahahahas~!

w0rk full shift; m0rnin i reached early. when t0 buy al0t 0b bread, biscuit plus k0rea tibits f0r my dearest^^ hehes. at nites; meet him at PL stati0n! he d0 cl0sin super fast t0day.! b0ut 10pm jiu ha0 lerhhs! 0MG~! dearrr; brav0(: hahas.

den we train-ed back t0 amk, and ate at S11! s0 l0ng nvr had supper wit my dear lerhs(: after dat; h0me sweet h0me=p

T00TER & T00TIE <3


writtern @Friday, June 19, 2009

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

s0rry f0r n0t updatin ppls(: was busy uh!

m0nday 15/06/09*
w0ke up at 10am; prepare ha0 lerhs, went t0 bradell t0 d0 my hair =p meet dear at bradell mrt stati0n at 2.15pm. we went t0 kb0x t0 sing sing sing; nxt went t0 J8 just f0r dinner. went t0 MARHATTEN FISH MARKET and we had seaf00d platter! NICE(: after dat; we walked back t0 amk! walked uh! and meet darren; sz at ard 10.30pm. went S11 f0r supper and went f0r 0ur m0vie! GH0ST 0F THE PAST GFs* NICEEEEEE! w0rth watchin uh^^

baby; y0u'r mine and i'm y0urs!
i L0VE y0u dearrrrrr(:
d0nt f0rget was u pr0mised mi! >.<

T00TER & T00TIE <3


writtern @Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Sunday, June 14, 2009

its has been l0ng since i last update! rather busy this few days(: new c0lleagues : mable ; felix! still n0t bad uh(:

basically i've f0rg0t wad happened the last few days! t0o tired!
i'm 0FF 0n m0nday=p
any0ne wann meet mi? i'll c if i'm free! 0ops~!

nites readers!

T00TER & T00TIE <3


writtern @Sunday, June 14, 2009

Thursday, June 11, 2009


09/06/2009* (4TH M0NTH ANNI^^)
w0ke up ard 10.30am, p0m p0m; prepared ha0 everythin and cabb-ed t0 j8 as i was late. went find kendi and waited f0r dear t0 c0me. s0rry uh! let u wait s0 l0ng(x

we train-ed d0wn t0 DG; went t0 THE CATHAY and br0ught ticket f0r NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM 2*...br0ught al0t 0b f00ds! and we walk-ed d0wn t0 cine, went t0 take ne0print(: and went t0 the chamber which is 0n the 9th fl00r f0r 0ur wii games^^

after playin; we walk-ed back t0 DG f0r 0ur m0vie. n0t bad th0ugh=p after watchin; walk t0 THE HEREEN* dear plan t0 bring mi g0 JACKS PLACE f0r dinner! hehes. he has steak; while i've lamb ch0p with fillet. yummy(:& he surprise mi with sth! he gave mi a necklace! t0tally sh0cked! 0MG! y0u'r s0 SWEETTTTTTTTT....! n0 w0nder keep dun wann mi t0uch my bag! hahaas.

after dinner; he asked mi t0 f0ll0w him jiu ha0. s0 i very guai 0kays? f0ll0wed him all the way. we train-ed t0 cityhall. and he t0ld mi... ( dear! i'm g0nna bring y0u t0 a place whr we can take FERRIES WHEEL!) w0oh0os! HAPPYYYY T0 THE MAX! n0thin can describe h0w t0uched i'm! :D

everything was plan nicely by him... and we t00k damn l0ts 0b ph0tos ytd! will upl0ad s00n[: after everythin; cabb-ed back t0 my sweet h0me!

i'm just treated like a small princess ytd(: feel s0 pampered~!

T00TER & T00TIE <3


writtern @Thursday, June 11, 2009

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

after w0rkin; jiu went h0me straight... these few days w0rkin was like slackin.! c0s i was d0in my cr0ss-stitch inside the st0re f0r like few h0urs! 0ops~!

dear came and find mi ard 11.30pm, but i really cant g0 d0wn find u! S0RRY! and i slept at 3am just t0 d0 my cr0ss-stitch! yawns!!!

w0ke up at 9am. bus-ed t0 dear hse and reached ard 10.30am? watched my shuang zi xin! hehes. after dat; dear mummy c00k n00dles f0r us(: thanks thanks! went 0ff f0r w0rk ard 1pm. w0rkin with kendi -cl0sin! fun? hahaas. dear came and find mi ard 9pm, and br0ught my fav D0NUT FACT0RY D0NUTS f0r mi =p yummy.! and a small b0x 0b the tiny d0nut! hehes. L0VE YA larhs! and send mi h0me after dat.

in few mins time; its 0ur 4th mth anni lerhhs. tmr will be a great day f0r us! dearrrrr.... ILY & i kn0w y0u L0VE mi t0o. with this; 0ur <3 st0ry will c0ntinues......

T00TER & T00TIE <3


writtern @Tuesday, June 09, 2009

all these are ph0tos 0n 0ur steamb0at day(: 03/06/2009*
my dearr c0lleagues / friends [=

writtern @Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Saturday, June 6, 2009

0kays. it has been l0ng since i last update?!

was w0rkin full shift with kendi and frankie(: had steamb0at at nites.
basically, ard 8pm, all 0b us was excited. exclude frankie! meanin... is mi, kendi & jeline^^ all 0b us say ha0 wear black c0l0ur! and frankie just br0ught 0ne black tee fr0m the sh0p since he f0rg0tten t0 bring. hehes! s0; 9.15pm sharp, we cl0se the sh0p. EXCITED! desm0nd came. after changin, its ph0t0s time! hahaas. was very funny! really*

b0ut 10pm, we train-ed d0wn t0 BUGIS. even inside the train; all 0b us were s0 zi lian >.< h0me ="p" color="#33ffff">04/06/2009*
w0rk m0rnin/5... frankie will be 0n leave the next day! will miss y0u. fanq xin!

dear came and fetch mi ard 5pm. s0 s0rry t0 sh0w u attitude! c0s al0t 0b tings uh! dui bu qi! after dat; we train-ed t0 ps. went t0 starbucks and 0ff t0 THE CATHAY! was just merely walkin ard. den decided t0 g0 suki sushi f0r dinner. s0 didnt watch m0vie. thanks w0r! f0r being s0 understandin(:

s0 we train-ed back t0 amk; went t0 find sz, and had my dinner dere. was t0kin b0ut al0t 0b 0ur childh00d stuff^^ i went t0 buy *B0YS 0VER FL0WERS* s0und track! dear br0ught it f0r mi. thank y0u! muacks! hehees. h0me after that ^^

tue will be a special day...! l00kin f0rward... =)

T00TER & T00TIE <3


writtern @Saturday, June 06, 2009

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

w0rk full shift t0day! FUN FUN FUN(:

kendi was late. and he g0t t0 treat frankie SWENSEN! acc her g0 d0wn and buy, and she insisted t0 treat mi eat als0(x they had chix baked rice & i had chilli crab pasta! YUMMY~! after dat; we went t0 MAC and buy milkshake! 2 vanilla & 1 ch0colate!

thanks sweetie f0r the treat(: and als0 frankie f0r the milkshake! hehes.

after w0rk; went PUR PUR with kendi, and i br0ught 0ne top fr0m dere ^^

tmr steamb0at with dem! excitedddd~!

T00TER & T00TIE <3


writtern @Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Monday, June 1, 2009

w9rk 12-9.30pm t0day(: w0rk cl0sin with kendi & desm0nd.
sales was g00d! thumbs up!

after w0rk; went c0tt0n 0n with kendi. saw my BEST FREN dere! cheng l0ng(: waited f0r him and we train-ed hm tgt^^

CL: d0n't be sad 0ver that matter. anythin; i'll be here f0r y0u :D

T00TER & T00TIE <3


writtern @Monday, June 01, 2009