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stupid pe0ple w0nt be entertain xD
Sunday, June 22, 2008

s0rrii fer n0t updatin; was very busy recently[x

w0rk til 2.45pm t0dae; went hm and meet shi jie at ard 4pm at my hse dere. went t0 ps as he wanted t0 buy his fren present. went cafe cartel t0 eat and sh0p ard. t00k train-ed bac t0 amk and he went t0 meet his frens. meet my auntie they all at central t0 hab dinner.

hm sweet hm aft dat[:

saw darren t0dae; i miss-ed dec. when all 0b us w0rk starhub(:
let mi c0nsider awhile whether i'm g0nna re-j0in*


writtern @Sunday, June 22, 2008

Friday, June 13, 2008

finalli hm(:

m0rnin w0ke up ard 9pm. bathed and went meet sj and rw fer maji0ng sessi0n(X s0rrii; i'm late agn!~ raars! train-ed t0 admiratly and went t0 sj frens hse which is alvin. play maji0ng all the way wit cs, sj, rw, eh til 4+pm. went mac eat and bus-ed hm.

rest awhile; went w0rk at ard 9pm. IP c0nversi0n? 1st tym d0in it. slack-ed ard dere fer awhile, and waited fer the warehse t0 arrive. frm 9+pm wait til ard 11.15pm. but nbm; they are tired and its last min; s0 i can understand*

unpacked everitin which is AL0T... everi0ne was j0kin ard; s0 is stil alright. but all 0b us are tired! luckily, we gt 9 pers0n w0rkin, if n0t w0rk til wad tym i wun n0e[x thannxs fer 0thers whu came and help:D xie xie!

hm sweeet hm ard 1.10am*

gudd nites ppls[;


writtern @Friday, June 13, 2008

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

0ff fer t0dae(: w0ke up ard 10.30am; bathed, play c0mp and watched dvd til ard 3.30pm. meet wj 5pm at mrt-stati0n; but i'm late agn; ps! c0mp fault>.<

went chinat0wn; hab dinner 1st. spend $10 0n the f00d and s0up; nice! my m0tive dere is t0 l00k fer stuff; in the end, didnt]: aft dat; train-ed t0 L0T1 t0 find ya qing; 1 hr trip can! freak. damnn farr! raars*

went nyny eat agn. waste my $! but suann lia0s... sh0pped ard, br0ught s0methings. i wann the wallet! i wil get it 0ne dae!!!!

hm sweet hm ard 11pm[: tmr w0rkin! w0ots^^


writtern @Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Survey Instructions:
Remove one question from above & replace it with your own.
Tag eight people, list them down at th end of th post.
Notify them in their chatbox that they've been tagged.

1) How long will you wait for someone you love?
-it depends 0n my feelin
2) What do you hope for now?
- i wun be s0 c0nfused 0ver tings(x
3) What is the last thing you do/say if tomorrow is the end of th world?
-i wil d0 my best t0 create the last happy m0ment fer everi0ne(:
4) Do you hate your friends sometimes?
- s0metimes i d0!
5) What will you do if your best friend has been kidnapped?
-l00k fer help and called fer p0lice =.=
6) Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
- 0bvi0usly
7) Who will you choose between your ex boyf & your current boyf?
- i wil ch00se the 0ne i l0ved m0st[:
8) What's your desired age of marriage?
- 22-25?
9) Are you happy with your life now?
- Not a single bit; stress and c0nfused!!!
10) What if your crush asked you out?
- happy and excited^^
11) What will you do when you have a crush that knows you have a crush on him/her?
-mayb nthh if i n0e he d0esnt lyk mi?
12) What feelings do you hate the most?
-when i'm al0ne):
13) What will you do if you fall in love with a guy/girl?
- everi lil acti0n he d0, i wil take n0te
14) What are you looking forward to in the coming weeks?
- g0in bac malaysia
15) The most important thing in your life.
- parents;frens ;D
16) Who do you hope to always be there for you?
- L0ves 0ne
17) Do you find life meaningless?
- s0metimes
18) Who do you love the most?
- fer n0w? parents^^ they are reali impt t0 mi*
19) Do you believe that there's 'True Love'?
- i believe
20) What's your greatest wish?
- t0 find s0me0ne i l0ve and he l0ve mi t0o
21) What will you change if you can turn back time?
- alm0st everitin dat make mi regret bef0re

survey d0ne :p

the 8 pers0n wil be:

writtern @Saturday, June 07, 2008

Thursday, June 5, 2008

ytd w0rk frm 2-6pm, aft dat went t0 settle s0me pers0nal stuff[x ard 10.15pm meet k0r and we went t0 hab prata at thomsa road. isnt spell lyk dis? nbm(: al0t 0b ppl dere, we f0und a place and start 0rderin. i've ice-cream prata, he had banana and mushr00m chesse prata, ice-mil0 fer us. t0tal was b0ut $16, but the prata was quite nice; n0t bad[; went walkk ard dere and t00k bus hm. waited fer mummi at the bus-st0p and walked hm tgt(:

只要相信,期待就会成真 ?


writtern @Thursday, June 05, 2008

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

t0dae nvr w0rk! went 0ut wit my c0usin, went t0 fish&c0. fer lunch, but seri0usly, t0dae derhhs n0t nice(x aft dat; decidin whr t0 g0, in the end, went kb0x-lalalas~

sang frm 3pm-7pm; n0 v0ice lia0s]: aft dat; walkked hm wit my c0usin; sent her bac and i t00k bus hm myself. reach-ed hm; take wj present and went t0 meet him s0 as t0 pass him the present.

aft dat; walkked bac hub agn which is ard 9pm lia0s. went find k0r and eng h0ng; they damn crapp larhhs! n0t g0nna elab0rate. meet dem and went l00kin fer their frens 0so- chuan sheng; and they d0ne al0t 0b stupid stuff; and make mii laugh and laugh and laugh(:

thannxs fer the d0nuts and cai bing^^
aft everithin; mii and sj walkked hm, saw sage, s0 walkked tgt. eh&cs bus-ed hm i guess?
they playin maji0ng ltr, gudd luckk ppls*

d0ne a beri stupid ting; but stil... (:


writtern @Tuesday, June 03, 2008