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stupid pe0ple w0nt be entertain xD
Saturday, February 28, 2009

nice? L0ve this pic!
Jennifer, Sharen, Sumei, Tricia

mi and her~!


us again>.<
Sharen & mi^^


writtern @Saturday, February 28, 2009

i'm g0nna type a l0ng p0st f0r t0day:D

27th feb 2009*
w0ke up ard 10am. dun0 why everytime wil aut0 wake up s0 early when i'm 0ff l0rhhs! >.< meet shi jie f0r lunch at 1pm. after eatin pizza hut, went p0pular, den t0 his hse t0 b0rr0w c0mp f0r upload s0ng. ard 4.30pm went hm. bath-ed agn, prepared, den t00k bus 88 d0wn t0 pasir ris lerhhs. bus super pack-ed! but i get t0 sit larhhs* ard 7.10pm reached white sand, meet sharen, jennifer and weisen dere. t00k bus 403 in t0 the h0me team chalet. super ulu l0rhhs!

after reachin dere, al0t 0b his frens dere lerhhs. den we self-service, eat.. t0k... alth0ugh its quite b0rin, c0s t0tally n0 entertainment. we went up t0 the r00m t0 play, t0 take pictures etc... say ha0 wann g0 watch m0vie etc, in the end... als0 nvr!

they c0ntinue t0kin, while mi, jennifer went t0 the livin r00m t0 watch the gh0st sh0w. after dat, was b0ut 3am... jennifer they all went arcade; while i decided t0 g0 walk walk. super sian. den this funny b0y 'xia0 de' sae wann pei mi. den jiu had a walk with him 0ut t0 the bus-stop and chatted... after g0in back. they mix martell and green tea! i drank 0ne cup. stil n0t bad uh. den he help mi l00k f0r rm let mi slp. den we b0th went up t0 rest and 6am mi, sharen, jennifer, wei sen, sim0n, jasmine, jianbing and sumei went 0ff lerhhs. i train-ed all the way back t0 amk and slpin all the way.!

"xia0 de": i g0t write i walkk with y0u the path h0rhs. hahaas. i nvr bluff l0rhhs. "D

ph0tos wil be upl0aded laterrrrrrrr^^


writtern @Saturday, February 28, 2009

Friday, February 27, 2009

ytd w0rk M/6. after w0rk, went h0me... d0 hse-w0rk, bathed and bus-ed t0 hub at 8.30pm t0 meet sharen. after dat, we walk ard hub l00kin f0r ben present. in the end? we f0und n0thin...

after dat, we walkk ard central. decided t0 buy a drink and sit d0wn t0 hab a chat. walk da0 LJS. guess wh0 i saw? sharlene and her bf. i was like...! immediately turn away. but i guess they gt saw us. d0esnt matter 0so[x nxt thur my last day lia0s!

after dat, we went t0 KFC t0 buy drinks den went t0 the open space dere and sit d0wn... t0k t0k t0k.! after dat, went CENTRAL stage sit and t0k agn. hahaas. den waited f0r jess and wendy t0 c0me.

after they reached, we went t0 S11 t0 hab 0ur supper(: had stingray, squid, kak0ng? chix-wing, and wu xiang. thanks f0r the treat ppls[:
after eatin, we sit dere t0kin b0ut 0versea trip, den link t0 gh0st. >.<
all 0b us share 0ur st0ryy blahhs blahhs blahhs...

ard 12.30am, jiu g0 h0me lerhhs. mi & wendy 1 cab, sharen and jess 1 cab^^ nice supper with y0u ppls* zhen derhhs "D
t0day wendy and jess meetin dem f0r playin LAN at nites. while mi meetin sharen t0 g0 f0r ben chalet t0day! every0ne is busy~! w0oh0s*


writtern @Friday, February 27, 2009

Thursday, February 26, 2009

ermm. feelin rather d0wn n0w ]:

t0day wil be the last day i'm w0rkin with wendy lerhhs.[my BEST BEST c0lleague!] her last day is 0n sat, but tmr and sat i'm n0t w0rkin. been w0rkin with her f0r 10mths lerhhs. al0t 0b tings happened, but stil we are dat cl0se as bef0re. she has 0lwaes been dere when i need a helpin hand/listenin ear. n0 0ne wil understand h0w sad i'm. haiis.

t0day; she wr0te mi back a letter. i cried when i read it! mayb n0w i reali understand dat, in this c0mpany, b0th 0b us is reali sincere and true t0 0ne an0ther. dats explain why my tears c0uld drop when i read the letter barhhs. bec0s i reali treated her m0re than just a c0lleague! i guess sunday when i went t0 w0rk, everythin c0uld be different.

in my l0cker, wun l0nger hab her things inside. w0nt n0 l0nger hab her name 0n the schedule. wun n0 l0nger be able t0 g0 break tgt etc... i dun0 when we wil be w0rkin tgt, i d0ubt there w0uld be a nxt tym.

GIRL~! all the best in whatever y0u d0 kkaes? i wish y0u ALL THE BEST! d0nt f0rget mi uh! and i L0ve w0rkin with y0u. mem0ries 0nce shared with y0u will f0rever stay! f0r dis, i PR0MISED!


writtern @Thursday, February 26, 2009

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

w0rk aftern00n shift t0day. it was like s0... B0RED!

durin break tym, went t0 hab FISH&C0. with ah zhen(:

after w0rk, jiu went h0me straight lerhhs. guaii h0rhs?[x

baby; went chalet jiu f0rget mi lerhhs uh! den fri i g0 chalet als0 f0rget u!xD i kn0w i'm badddddd~!


writtern @Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

t0day wake up super early! 7.30am!!! bath-ed and went 0ut at 8.30am. bus-ed t0 mrt stati0n and train-ed t0 0rchard. seri0usly, i dun0 h0w t0 walk t0 LUCKY PLAZA! i kn0w it's like super kuku f0r n0t kn0win; but.... i dun like t0 g0 t0wn and d0nt g0 0ften! s0? hahaas.

den i was like l0st my way. s0 call-ed baby f0r help. but den he keep sayin mi l0rhhs! raars! but thanks f0r directin mi, if n0t i might be late agn uh!

reach-ed ard 9.23am. stil early! 0pen sh0p with gary and del0n. 1st tym w0rk wit dem, stil n0t bad^^aftern00n shift gt faizah, yan l00 and th0mas. super funny l0rhhs! hahaas. enj0y myself w0rkin with dem!(:

after w0rk was ard 7.15pm, train-ed back amk. went t0 meet sz f0r dinner^^

daddy br0ught a new SE ph0ne f0r mi & a mini h0me theater f0r my bedr00m*[:


writtern @Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Sunday, February 22, 2009

ytd w0rk M at l0t 1. 8.15am jiu wake up lerhhs. went-out ard 9.10am and bus-ed t0 mrt stati0n t0 wait f0r jess. she let mi wait f0r her b0ut 40mins l0rhhs ]; saddd leahhs; c0s i'm like super tired lerhhs, stil nd wait):

after dat, we train-ed d0wn t0 l0t 1. chelsia 0so haben reached[x den we went 7-11 buyin f00d/drinks(: and we were like t0kin all the way. w0rkin was quite fun! c0s all 0b us are slackin + t0kin!

went break wit jess. actuali ben c0me find mi durin m0rnin and sae ltr eat tgt. ps uh! hahaas. t0dae supp0se w0rk m/5, den jess ask mi extend s0 as t0 wait f0r her =.= in the end , i did^^ g00d right? hahaas.

after w0rk, we train-ed back t0 amk. we reali gt super l0ts 0b tings t0 say. hahas. kai xin. after dat, she bus-ed t0 pasir ris while i went hm. went hm bath-ed and went 0ut at 9.15pm. bus-ed t0 mrt stati0n and train-ed t0 tampines t0 wait f0r baby 0ff w0rk! he let mi wait 50 mins! c0s his manager larhhs! but nbm(: f0rgiven. after dat, we went walk walkk yi xia and bus-ed hm.

baby asked mi i gt miss him? hahaas. i said n0pe and he d0nt seem happyyy]: but den, i gt miss y0u kkaes?!


writtern @Sunday, February 22, 2009

Saturday, February 21, 2009

w0rk 3/c t0day. w0ke up ard 9+am by baby msg. went bac slp and woke up ab0ut 11am... wash-ed cl0thes, use c0mp, bath-ed and went 0ut t0 meet sz ard 1.20pm.

we went t0 hab pizza hut. and i did sth f0r baby 0kays? i 0rder pizza f0r him[delivery!] the pr0cess was like s0 ma fan & funny. esp... when the rider call-ed his w0rkplace, they d0nt want accept the pizza c0s they said they nvr 0rder. den the rider was like s0 stress, ask mi h0w?! funny l0rhhs.

but in the end, he gt take... and gave mi a call. he asked [what y0u eat t0dae arhhs? h0w c0me s0 sweet?!] i was like...(;(:
hmmm. baby, i jus wanna ap0l0gise f0r wad happened dat nite. really s0rry! and... <3 y0u ;D

zhen h0ng g0nna transfer t0 BJ lerhhs. rather sad b0ut it. he is an0ther in-charge dat can make mi laugh& laugh...! really happy t0 w0rk with him als0. hmmm. meet up with us kkaes? even u r at 0ther 0utlet^^ all the best~!


writtern @Saturday, February 21, 2009

Thursday, February 19, 2009

fr0m that m0ment 0nwards, i stop d0ubtin myself...
and i really believe i l0ve y0u......

s0; give mi s0metym t0 0verc0me everythin kkaes?
i just need y0u beside me, and everything is w0rth-while kkaes?!


writtern @Thursday, February 19, 2009

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

my skirt f0r that day(:
baby fish&chips

the place whr we were sittin(:
fish melted cheese & mell0w mang0
my sweet baby^^


writtern @Wednesday, February 18, 2009

lets talk ab0ut ytd barhhs(:

w0ke up at 10.30am... washed up; use c0mp. ard 11.15am went t0 wash cl0thes. g00d girl rites? hahaas.

after washin&hangin up the cl0thes, went t0 bath and get ready t0 meet baby lerhhs. baby super sl0w can?! supp0se t0 meet 1.30pm l0rhhs, in the end he 2pm den reached! super sl0w l0rhhs! but guess wad? he reached lia0s, i stil walkin t0 hub [x

after dat, went messy t0 change the size 0b the shirt... and... we train-ed d0wn t0 viv0! we went t0 CANDY EMPIRE huntin f0r ch0c0late. y0u kn0w i cant eat l0rhhs c0s i'm sick! hmptz! but baby gt buy my share, sae i ha0 lerhhs, jiu can eat lia0s^^

after dat, went GV t0 buy m0vie ticket. wanted t0 watch the curious case of benjamin button... but sharen wanna meet us at 5.30pm, s0 in the end pei baby watched the weddin game. g00d h0rhs?! after watchin, we went t0 hab 0ur dinner(: we went in t0 the restaurant; f0rg0tten wad's the name lerhhs(: i had fish melted cheese and baby had fish & chip. and... i had a drink call-ed mell0w mang0. but n0t nice]:

after eatin, wwe went ard walkin. chattin t0kin... really in l0ve with viv0 city scenery. and... baby say he like mi 0kays? (:(:(:

we did al0t 0b t0kin ytd... and... feel s0 kai xin! we left viv0 at 10.20pm. train-ed back t0 amk. and baby send mi h0me...

i L0VE y0u babyyyyyyyyyy^^


writtern @Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

ytd w0rk m0rnin shift. after w0rk, went t0 buy ph0to frame. went h0me straight t0 d0 my h0use w0rk!

actually i'm g0in 0ut t0 hab steamb0at with my c0lleague. but mummy dun all0w, say i stil g0t al0t tings haben d0 ha0... haiis. in the end, i cant g0! stupid l0rhhs~!

s0 s0rry ppls!

after d0in was ard 11pm lerhhs. wanted t0 slp lerhhs. but baby called mi. s0 t0k t0k t0k... later 0n, darren called, den sz called. i'm busy ! >.<
after t0kin t0 darren and sz, felt s0... haiis. stress!
s0 wanted t0 be al0ne c0s my mind is like full 0b...!
but den baby super disturbin larhhs. msg lia0s, called, msg lia0s called!
in the end, we t0k da0 2.30am and went slpin lerhhs.

i'm meetin baby later! mayb g0in t0 meet sharen durin evenin t0o(:

baby; thanks! y0u kn0w i wasnt feeling right ytd. y0u tried y0ur best t0 cheer mi up! still... let me think thr0ugh again!


writtern @Tuesday, February 17, 2009

update time(:(:(:

ytd w0rk m/8pm. durin break tym, went t0 MESSY t0 buy shirt f0r my BABY.(valentym present)^^
after that, went t0 edit & print ph0tos... after w0rk, rush h0me. bath-ed, make ha0 ha0 baby present and went 0ut at ard 9.30pm.

went t0 visit my ah ma c0s baby stil haben 0ff w0rk! super sl0w uh!!! after dat; ard 11pm; cabb-ed d0wn t0 j8 and waited... daddy sp0ns0r mi cab fee[:

went t0 playgrd with baby. sittin d0wn dere, chattin... f0und 0ut al0t 0b secrets uh! hahaas. after dat, cabb-ed h0me and... slp! Lalalas.

tmr i'm g0in 0ut with BABY agn! we b0th plan t0 0ff tgt derhhs! super kai xinnnnn~!!!!!!!!


writtern @Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sunday, February 15, 2009

ytd w0rk da0 6pm, went hm bath-ed all dis and train-ed d0wn t0 ps t0 meet weisen, jennifer.

walkk ard wit ws 1st, as jennifer and ben late. after dat, we went t0 THE CATHAY wanna catch a sh0w; but in the end, we nvr. >.<
went in t0 billy b0mbers f0r late supper, but after much decisi0n, we decided t0 eat at fish&co. s0... with0ut 0rderin, we just left dat placee. i n0e we anih0w! hahaas.

walk t0 parkmall f0r fish&c0. guess wad? its cl0sed......!!!
haiis. s0 walk bac t0 ps t0 hab cafe cartel instead. was like walkin al0t. and weather is super warm these few daes uh!

cabb-ed hm ard 12am... and t0k with Baby da0 2+am den slp(:

Baby; g0nna give y0u a surprise t0o 0n tue^^


writtern @Sunday, February 15, 2009

Saturday, February 14, 2009

t0day w0rk m/6! w0rkin was super b0red. dats wad i describe f0r w0rk n0w!

ard 4pm went break. after break went p0pular buy the n0tebk fer 0ur shop. when i came bac, lee said BABY came and find mi. i was like... s0 nerv0us...>.<

when i went in st0re t0 put 0n cardigan all dis bef0re signing- in, didnt expect... BABY open the st0re and pass mi my valentym present! super sh0cked and...!

BABY; thanks f0r making the eff0rt w0rhhs. y0ur present inside gt the r0ses dat i want. g0t the ch0c0late that i'm craving f0r & als0 the s0ft t0ys that we b0th like! L0VE Y0U ~! <3

super duper kai xin! i'm g0nna l0ve y0u m0re! HAPPY VALENTYM BABY~!


writtern @Saturday, February 14, 2009

Friday, February 13, 2009


a sh0rt p0st... just wanna say...



writtern @Friday, February 13, 2009

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

s0methin f0r t0dae. w0ke up ard 10am. bathed, and went t0 central t0 buy c0ugh syrup and n0vels.

reached hm, eat ha0 medicine jiu rest awhile. ard 3.30pm, went d0wn t0 find darren and sz... they b0th let mi wait 30mins plus can?! raars.
after dat, pei dem g0 p0pular buy stuff... went t0 hub t0 buy s0methinn and headed hm nxt.!

thr0at is super duper pain! haiis.

i kn0w its hard f0r y0u people t0 accept 0r t0 understand... even myself stil cant accept the fact that i've make this ch0ice t0o. but...
i just l0ve being with dat s0me0ne! i'm s0rryyyyy.


writtern @Wednesday, February 11, 2009

went back m'sia. reached dere ard 2pm...the 1st thing i d0 is t0 eat s0methin and eat medicine. next, went t0 slp straight away. but cant hab a peaceful slp c0s babies are cryin all the way! raars!

at nites, went temple bai bai...

wake up, was feelin super unwell. sickkkkkkk!
packed my stuff and get ready t0 c0me back here lerhhs.
reached s'p0re ard 2.20pm. went t0 hab s0me dim sum with mummy.
after dat, cabbed hm as i'm rushin>.<
bathed, and went 0ut t0 meet the "special" 0ne at amk hub.
we went t0 THE CATHAY t0 watch m0vie. nxt t0 ps, den t0 parkmall t0 hab sakae sushi.
after dat, trained t0 clarke quay.
hab a t0k... and...
t00k train bac t0 amk and the "special" 0ne send mi h0me after that.

maybe y0u were right... but still... i jus feel s0.!
but s0meh0w i just dont think what y0u say is right.
but after t0night... everything is like s0 meaningless already!


writtern @Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Sunday, February 8, 2009

w0rk m/4 ytd. went hm, hab my late breakfast/lunch. went t0 use c0mp... and went f0r a sh0rt nap at 6pm. wake up ard 7.30pm... bathed and went t0 ah yi hse lerhhs. teach my c0usin s0me w0rk and had mahj0ng sessi0n with my ah yi and mummy... i win $40 kkaes? hahaas. kai xin!

ard 12+pm den reached hm.. msg msg & msg... end up slept at 2.30am?!

i dun0 why i like y0u... but s0meh0w i'm s0 sure that; yarhhs... y0u'r the 0ne that i wanna t0 be right n0w.!


writtern @Sunday, February 08, 2009

Saturday, February 7, 2009

0ff day. went t0 ep.

meet pg 1.30pm at mrt stati0n. i was late. s0 s0rry ]: train-ed d0wn t0 simei, while she went tampines. she nd t0 settle her stuff at tp, while i went t0 find dem(:

slack dere, had lunch and meet pg ard 4.30pm at simei stati0n. train-ed d0wn t0 amk. went t0 buy tickets f0r [THE WEDDING GAME]. she watched lerhhs, but watched wit mi agn^^

an average m0vie? just dat s0me part is rather funny :D after m0vie, wanna g0 hm. in the end, n0 0ne at hm. s0 went all the way t0 my ah yi hse t0 find dem. end up, reached hm ard 12+am with my mummy!


writtern @Saturday, February 07, 2009

Friday, February 6, 2009

w0rk 6/c t0day with wendy and lisa. siann larhhs. w0rk is b0reddddd.!

after w0rk, went S11 t0 hab supper with my dear girl wendy(: had s0me t0k am0ng us. aft dat, she wanna cab hm, s0 shun bian fetch mi back. w0oh0os!


writtern @Friday, February 06, 2009

Thursday, February 5, 2009

c0min here t0 bl0g 1st since i hab n0thin t0 d0 n0w >.<

ytd w0rk full shift at east p0int! 0ne w0rd t0 descirbe [HAPPYYYYYYY!]
w0rk at atrium, after dat, halp dem g0 bank in at tampines. after dat train-ed back. went bac atrium. after sharen sign in; i was like runnin back t0 sh0p, den t0 atrium, den t0 sh0p agn(: ytd 0n shift hab, sharen, sebas, jennifer, jasmine, sim0n, wei sen & ben... it's like s0 fun can! they play, t0k and j0ke ard wit mi. esp jennifer; make mi laugh everitym^^ and 0so, we share xin shi 0so. and ep ppls and mi were like cursin th0se fuckin ppls inside the c0mpany! w0oh0os!

ytd w0rkin d0esnt seem like w0rkin, it's m0re t0wards playin? hahaas. the 0nly sad ting is; i'm really sad that ep is cl0sin d0wn, and the team is g0nna split, s0me are g0in tender 0so. haiis. i really wish t0 be in that team! even it's 0ne m0nth. y0u all kn0w why? c0s that team is n0t as cunnin as 0thers, they are straight f0rward... n0t like 0thers! really enj0y w0rkin with dem!

i wil g0 d0wn visit u all derhhs(: and... ben chalet is c0min, ep ppl g0in, and i'm g0in 0so^^



writtern @Thursday, February 05, 2009

Monday, February 2, 2009

w0ke up at 9am t0day... dun0 why nvr w0rk stil wil aut0 wake up s0 early. Zzz...!

wash-ed up, c00k n00dles myself(: msn-in, bathed and went 0ut at ard 11.30pm. bus-ed t0 mrt stati0n and train-ed d0wn t0 east p0int myself. j0urney was super far, but luckily gt psp pei mi and i gt t0 sit all the way(: heng!

reach-ed dere ard 12.30pm. chit chat with dem... blahhs blahhs blahhs. went t0 hab lunch wit her at 1.30pm. and went bac sh0p aft dat. i act lyk her staff and help her serve cust; plus t0k; plus eat^^ had a very fun day there jiu dui lerhhs. the staff dere is really far m0re better than amk and w0rkin dere is surely m0re fun! haiis.!

5pm, she sign 0ut. we b0th train-ed t0 tampines, t00k bus 27 dere t0 sengkang. after much hesistati0n, i decided t0 alight at h0ugang instead 0b sk. s0 she alight at sk, while i c0ntinue my j0urney d0wn t0 hg. frm dere, i t0ok 165 bac t0 amk and meet sage.

went t0 her hse t0 bai nian. went t0 hab dinner wit her parents. hm sweet hm ard 8.20pm?!

0verall, i d0 al0t 0b travelling t0day! TIRED!
tmr full shift!


writtern @Monday, February 02, 2009