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stupid pe0ple w0nt be entertain xD
Sunday, May 31, 2009

ytd w0rk 11-6.30pm. went t0 n0vena square ard 4.30pm just t0 buy NEW URBAN sandals! hehes. a present f0r him! >.< frankie was nice; let mi went t0 nsq durin w0rkin time(: and i went d0nut fact0ry t0 buy d0nuts f0r dear als0. after w0rk; chailin say she wil meet and mi and acc mi d0wn t0 find my dear. s0 we train-ed all the way d0wn! den dear was msq-in mi...

c0nversati0n was like dis :
dear: rmb t0 miss mi w0r! i miss y0u w0r.
mi : d0n't want t0 miss y0u larhs!
dear : u busy arhs?
mi : yarhs! SUPER busy! d0nt disturb. text u later. bye...
dear : rude l0r y0u...!
mi : L0L!

hehes. the next m0ment... i appear infr0nt 0b his sh0p! he was s0 sh0cked! *LAUGH 0UT L0UD* and he was t0uched by wad i did f0r him! HAPPYYYYYYY ^^

train-ed back with chailin t0 amk after dat! and she went t0 meet her BF! and i went t0 meet sz(:

frankie chalet c0min...
my clique chalet c0min...
dear bdae chalet c0min als0...
wed steamb0at! yeahs~!

T00TER & T00TIE <3


writtern @Sunday, May 31, 2009

Friday, May 29, 2009

HeLL0 readers(: i'm backk.
shall p0st wad happened the last tw0 days^^

26th may~
meet dear at j8 ard 1.30pm. was like 0ut 0b a sudden; rainin super heavily. very dramatic als0! and we b0th keep laughin(x next; we train-ed d0wn t0 lavender t0 c0llect his passp0rt. playin DS while waitin. dear carry al0t 0b tings! hehes. after c0llectin; we t00k a cab d0wn t0 c0asta sand. after we check-in; we went t0 arrange 0ur bags all this; and watch dvd t0gether(: hehes. ab0ut 7.10pm i went t0 p0m p0m and dear waited f0r mi. was hungry already; s0 we t00k the shuttle bus; was just nice 8pm, and went EHUB f0r dinner. dear treat mi eat NEW Y0RK NEW Y0RK agn! :D we had buffal0 wings, calamari; jiggy piggy and fish& chips! 0nce agn; we didnt finished =x and i make c0tt0n candy f0r him w0rhs! LALALAS~!

after eatin; we went t0 take the CALBURY FERRIES WHEEL. really very nice! we were the last cust! DEAR; THANKS(:w0oh0s! i was like s0 happy when i was takin the ride...! hehes. went t0 CHEERS t0 buy cup n00dles, water after dat; and we walk-ed back =p we anyh0w walkk back; and we were 0n the c0rrect track w0r! xD

his buddy and his GF came, after dat; all 0b us p0m p0m ha0 lerhhs; jiu slp! but i cant slp! really~! but dear was like slpin s0 s0undly can?! but he did wake up and pei mi at 3am(: and we hugged and slp t0gether(: planned t0 watch sunrise; set alarm 0n 5.30am, but i just switch it 0ff when it rang! tired. hehes.!

27th may~
woke up ard 10+am? every0ne was waitin f0r mi t0 eat breakfast! quickly g0 p0m p0m and we went 0ut t0 EHUB t0 hab lunch. c0s its already 12pm! =x 0ops! we went t0 PASTAMANIA and headed t0 NTUC . we buy al0t 0b f00ds! and dear always listen t0 mi when decidin wad t0 eat(x hahas. went arcade t0 play tgt and went back lerhhs(: i went upstairs and slp fr0m 4.30-6.30pm? tiredd! ppls playin, i slpin =x

ab0ut 8pm, mi and dear walk t0 EHUB and buy dinner(: rush back t0 watch SHUANG ZI XIN*! and i feed him eat w0r! hahaas =p b0th 0b us went t0 p0m p0m and we went t0 the pasir ris park and hab a walk. went back ard 1am? we slept at d0wnstair; while his buddy and his gf sleep upstair! i was feelin hungry; s0 dear c00k cup n00dles f0r mi =p and slp slp slp...[:

28th may~
woke up by dear at 8.30am. went p0m p0m and when i c0me 0ut, i was surprised! dear make ha0 breakfast f0r mi lerhhs. (bread with my fav nutella ch0c0late!) he help mi wipe dry my hair and feed mi eat breakfast(: sweet right? hehes. check-0ut at 10am, send him t0 w0rk, and i went t0 w0rk als0.

slept inside the st0re f0r 2hrs t0day! =p


T00TER & T00TIE <3


writtern @Friday, May 29, 2009

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

s0rry ppls f0r n0t p0stin f0r the last few days! was veryy busy! >.<
hmmm. al0t 0b things is happenin ard mi; but my c0lleague at my w0rkplace is still the BEST!

thanks people f0r everything!(: TRICIA appreciate it!
hmmm. alth0ugh i've sth dat is tr0ubling mi right n0w; but suan lerhhs. i'm really t0o tired t0 think b0ut it!

tmr i'll be headin t0 chalet... call mi if dere's anything(:
will update s00n! take caiire readers^^


writtern @Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Saturday, May 23, 2009

just s0me ph0tos here. lazy t0 l0ad(:

writtern @Saturday, May 23, 2009

w0ke up ard 11am t0day? clean my hse, p0m p0m, prepared and 0ut ard 1pm. meet evelynn at amk mrt stati0n and we train-ed d0wn t0 paya lebar.

after dat; we t00k bus 76 dere and went f0r my interview. had AJISEN RAMEN* f0r my lunch(: t00k a cab d0wn with her t0 VIV0(x reached dere, went walkin ard, and i went in t0 MANG0* and br0ught a tee-shirt. went t0 al0t 0b sh0p, decidin which jacket t0 buy, in the end, n0ne caught my eyes D: meet my dear dere awhile since he was at sent0sa; pass mi my stuff and i went 0ff. alth0ugh he keep ask mi pei him g0 t0wn, but i dun wann uh! hehes.

mi and evelynn went t0 the scenery fl00r and guess-ed wad we did? we started t0 zilian agn! hahaas. t00k al0t 0b pictures(: hahaas. train-ed back t0 amk and had suki sushi f0r dinner =p we eat quite al0t, but the bill was like $11 per pers0n? hahaas. w0rth it!

h0me sweet h0me~!
chalet is c0min!
but i've sth dat is tr0ubling mi n0w~! hais.

T00TER & T00TIE <3


writtern @Saturday, May 23, 2009

Friday, May 22, 2009

t0day w0rk with kendi; sales was g00d! thumbs up!
cust are quite funny; irritatin! but they purchased al0t. really*(:

alth0ugh i was rather tired, i 0nli slept 1 hr inside the st0re... hahaas.
after w0rk; waited f0r dearr... and i walk-ed him h0me.

alth0ugh i'm n0t meetin him tmr... but its 0kays uh? c0s i'm meetin my frens frens^^

anyway; while w0rkin, i went sh0ppin! there's al0t 0f things i want!
-S0NY MP3 PLAYER (the design real c00l~!)
-PUMA jacket

0mg~! i nd m0re $$$$!

T00TER & T00TIE <3


writtern @Friday, May 22, 2009

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

ytd had seri0us m00dswing durin nites time.! dear is the p00r baby agn! sc0lded by mi f0r n0 reas0ns~! (x
but he claimed he utd mi, s0; he nvr blame mi at all! s0rry my dearrr =p thanks f0r being s0 understandin! >.<

anyway; baby help mi f0und sth dat i was l00kin f0r. will tel u guys m0re 0nce i get it(: hehes. s0und interestin uh?!

i MISS my dearrrrrrr ]:
supp0se t0 meet t0nites, but i tink it will be rather late after he 0ff w0rk; s0 mayb n0t meetin him lerhhs.

chalet...! finally can spend my time with dearrr(:

i'm g0nna p0m p0m n0w~! bye readers.

T00TER & T00TIE <3


writtern @Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

ph0tos upl0aded lerhs(: hehes. enj0y uh!

writtern @Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Monday, May 18, 2009

t0day slept at 8.30am, w0ke up at 1.30pm! super duper tired!
went w0rk at 3pm...

s0mething i nd t0 ann0unce; i'm learnin guitar n0w! desm0nd will be teachin mi i guess? hehes.
i wanna play sth f0r dear during his bdae(:

anyway; dear came and fetch mi 0ff w0rk t0day^^ hehes.

the L0ve between us~!

T00TIE & T00TIE <3


writtern @Monday, May 18, 2009

s0rry f0r the late update(X

-w0ke up 9.30am, wash cl0thes, bathed and prepared. went 0ut and ta ba0 breakfast and went t0 dear h0use.
-meet sz ard 2pm & we train-ed d0wn t0 cityhall tgt.
-went t0 msq derhhs kb0x, they help us check in lerhs. but we split r00m.
-mi, dear and sz went t0 an0ther rm. hahaas =p
-ppls dat are present : su lan; ai ming; chailin; edith; p0h gee; si qi; shu zhen; dear & me(:
-kb0x sessi0n ends at 6pm, we went t0 hab 0ur dinner at esplanade.
-went t0 drink after dat. quite b0red... but mi; p0h gee was damn zi lian. keep take pictures! will upl0ad s00n "D
-we left the place ard 10pm; den they went 0ff lerhs. but mi and dear cabb-ed t0 EAST C0AST... (: hehes.
-we t0n dere till m0rnin 7+am! kn0w why? we want t0 c the sunrise.! hahaas!
-we t0k al0t; but we were really very sleepy! zhen derhhs! sit d0wn at the beach; listenin t0 the waves, and sharin 0ur st0ries. sweet uh?! hehes
-cabb-ed h0me ard 8am...

the very 1st sunrise with dear! chalet is c0min! hehes. O_^


T00TER & T00TIE <3


writtern @Monday, May 18, 2009

Saturday, May 16, 2009

-w0ke up 6.30am; prepared and 0ut 0b hse by 7.30am?
-train-ed t0 0rchard, kendi was late and i waited f0r her =.=
-walked t0 parag0n, and went up t0 FITNESS FIRST!
-after changin, went f0r my sauna and steamin sessi0n! i was al0ne inside the r00m! damn h0t & scary! but... nice?! (:
-ard 9am, went t0 bath-ed; bl0w dry my hair and meet dear d0wnstair. he came and fetch mi* hehes.
-pei dear train-ed t0 his w0rkplace and i had my breakfast with him dere. wanted t0 eat mac at 1st, but i change my mind; i wanted kaya t0ast instead(x hahas~!
-after dat; pei him awhile, and i went 0ff. as i'm w0rkin 1pm!
-w0rk wit kendi & frankie... still n0t bad =p

0verall, FITNESS FIRST facilities is n0t bad! really~! w0rth tryin. hehes.
tmr will be meetin dear and my frens(:

G0nna buy breakfast and eat at his hse tmr. need t0 wake up early aqn!
nites readers~!

T00TER & T00TIE <3


writtern @Saturday, May 16, 2009

Friday, May 15, 2009

yawns! tiredd~! w0rk 12/c with kendi t0day. went t0 w0rk earlier(: i went d0wn t0 C0TT0N 0N t0 buy 2 tank-top; 1 slipper and i went ARENA t0 buy a sh0rts. i think i must be real crazy t0 spend s0 much $ again! really.! wh0 can tel mi h0w t0 c0ntr0l and stop spendin?!

anyway; dear called my shop durin aftern00n. said gt sth impt wanna tel mi. guess wad? he t0ld mi his buddy and him will be openin a chalet 0n the 26th-28th may. ask mi t0 0ff 0n th0se days. c0s i gt t0 pei him! cute rites? i th0t sth seri0us! but stil... HAPPY*
chalet chalet chalet~!

will be wakin up real early tmr (6.30am). meetin kendi as we will be g0in t0 FITNESS FIRST(: she giv mi her VIP pass and let mi g0 in f0r sauna. c00l right?! hahaas. after sauna, wil be g0in int0 the steamin rm? i n0t sure eh. tel u all tmr after i tried(x will be meetin my dear f0r breakfast tmr(: and fetch him t0 w0rk! w0oh0os~!

and n0w i'm g0nna g0 prepare my stuff and msq with my t00ter lerhhs. bye and rest early ppls!

T00TER & T00TIE <3


writtern @Friday, May 15, 2009

Thursday, May 14, 2009

as what i menti0ned 0n my previ0us p0st; i went t0 meet t00ter ard 5.15pm at DG! i was early?! hehes.

we headed t0 viv0, pei him watch X-MEN!
went walkin ard. and we were d0ing al0t 0b stupid things ytd! hahaas.
he will kn0w wad i'm referin t0! ahem* xD

ard 10pm jiu h0me sweet h0me lerhhs(:
will be meeting him 0n sat!

IMY dearrrrrrrr~!

T00TER & T00TIE <3


writtern @Thursday, May 14, 2009

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

heys readers(: i'm back...!

wake up ard 10am t0day? ytd nvr wait f0r t00ter jiu fall aslp lerhs(x den he send mi 4 msq, but i nvr wake up at all. hehes! t0o tired lia0s >.< went central with mummy at 11am? we went t0 the JUST ASIAN CAFE t0 hab 0ur lunch? we eat duck rice, calamari, chix wing and 0f c0s milk tea and c0ffee(: really very happy, very l0ng nvr went 0ut with mummy lerhhs. was rainin heavily jus n0w. D0TS! we went t0 buy shamp00, s0ap all dis. br0ught al0t 0b tings t0day. mummy br0ught new bedsheet; blanket & bedr00m slippers f0r mi^^ cheers* she als0 br0ught 0ne sh0rts and help mi t0p-up my prepaid card. w0oh0os! 0verall; mummy spend al0t t0day(x

awhile m0re, i'm g0nna g0 p0m p0m agn and 0ut t0 meet t00ter(: kai xin*

T00TER & T00TIE <3


writtern @Tuesday, May 12, 2009

t0day was feelin s0 damn TIREDDDD~!
w0rk full shift; cheng l0ng came and find mi durin aftern00n. we went t0 THE FISH MARKET and had 0ur lunch. hehes. after dat, sz came and find mi t0o. s0 we 3 eat tgt(: after dat; went back w0rk, kendi use his lappy and watch m0vie.

time past rather fast with frens ard(: they left at ard 7.30pm? after w0rk; went buy f00d f0r mummy and cab h0me. t0o tired lia0s ]:

tmr 0ff. will be meetin t00ter durin evenin?
update when i'm free(: nites readers!

T00TER & T00TIE <3


writtern @Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Monday, May 11, 2009

cute h0rhs?

the 0ne i caught at the arcade!

writtern @Monday, May 11, 2009

all these are ph0tos f0r the z00 trip(: enj0y uh! hehes.

writtern @Monday, May 11, 2009



writtern @Monday, May 11, 2009


w0rkin 1-9.30pm. frankie was sickk! p00r thing~! bef0re w0rk; went t0 acti0n city t0 buy anni present f0r t00ter. even th0ugh we quarrelled the previ0us day; but everything is fine after a slp(: c00l d0wn marhhs! hahas. br0ught his fav! D0REM0N! c0uple derhhs 0kays? t0o bad; i f0rg0t take f0to 0f dem! ]: it's 0f light blue and baby pink(: sweet uh?! O.o
after dat; pr0ceed t0 w0rk; den t0 p0pular and buy s0me materials as i'm g0nna write letter f0r t0oter! t00k mi 2 hr t0 c0mplete dat card l0rhhs! hahas. w0 y0u xin h0rhs?(x

after w0rk; changed, ard 9.45pm, train-ed d0wn t0 raffles place and wait f0r him. ard 10.30pm, he reached! hehes. train-ed d0wn t0 ps, went t0 THE CATHAY and buy ticket. wanted t0 watch THE UNINVITED, in the end watch H0RSEMEN! the sh0w t0tally... N0T NICE*!

bef0re the start 0b m0vie; t00ter surprise mi with sth. he gave mi a present! xD nvr expect! really. its really nice! i will p0st the f0to up. it is alm0st the same as the stitch dat i caught at the arcade.! dear; THANK Y0U! (: m0st imp0rtantly; is the eff0rt that y0u put in!

sh0w finished at 1am, we went walkin ard. walkk da0 cityhall, den we went t0 esplanade. he read the letter and open his present dere. and at that place; i answer his qns; and dat is... we'r 0fficially t0gether(:

anyway; ytd was rainin; everything was s0 dramatic. will tel my frens when i saw dem. they are surely g0nna laugh! hehes.
h0me ard 3.15am...=p

i had a w0nderful day with y0u T00TER <3


writtern @Monday, May 11, 2009

Saturday, May 9, 2009

-w0rk till 5pm
-meet t00ter at ps
-went t0 THE CATHAY
-had BEN&JERRY ice-cream(:
-train-ed t0 cityhall
-went msq
-went esplanade
-had c0ld war with him
-feelin sad...

-everything alright n0w
-will be back t0 n0rmal s00n
-will be w0rkin 1-9.30pm
-will be meetin t00ter after w0rk
-will be answerin his qns in a m0st sincere way t0nites^^


writtern @Saturday, May 09, 2009

i g0t al0t 0f things wanna update f0r t0day. but; i just dun hab the m00d t0 d0 s0 n0w...
will update agn when i've the m00d!

i'm really feeling very very very sad n0w.
when tears r0ll d0wn again; i told myself i ought to be strong...
but when i fall again; i realised i cant pick myself up anymore.
why cant y0u believe mi?


writtern @Saturday, May 09, 2009

Thursday, May 7, 2009

i'm workin n0w. tooter just came and find mi just now & lend mi his lappy to use.
dats is why i'm here bloggin(:

anyway; ytd was a LONG off day f0r mi. as wad i mention, i wake up at 10am, knowin my tooter would think i will msg him once i wake up; but i didnt.! purposely derhs. >.< den he keep msq mi while i'm pom-ing, den he very anxious, scare i really dun wann wake up; den cant pei him g0 z00! hahaas. n00b~(x
i'm very bad uh? hahas.!

meet tooter 1215pm at yishun, he was early^^ after tat, we went to hab our lunch and waited for his buddy and his gf... cabb-ed d0wn t0 z00 ard 2pm. went dere 0b c0s is t0 c animals(: t00k quite al0t 0b f0tos dere, will upl0ad s00n^^ hahaas. to0ter has been sweet f0r wh0le day, carry my bag all the way... hehes. xie xie nii*

after the zoo trip, cabb-ed d0wn t0 yishun, they had their dinner and i saw dickson dere. dat idi0t(x hahaas. left f0r m0vie at hub next =p watched 17 again! n0rmal sh0w i guessed? nt as nice as expected!

went h0me ard 1130pm[:


writtern @Thursday, May 07, 2009

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

had seri0us m00d-swing ytd! all cust just simply SUCKS t0 the max!
al0t 0f things just dun seen right; just n0t my day i guess-ed?

dear is the p00r lil s0ul. kanna sh00t by m f0r n0thin. hahaas. n0w; think back, realised its s0 funny can! xD after d0in h0usew0rk at h0me last nites; c0ntinue with my DVD, den ard 1240am, t00ter call-ed mi.

& we t0k; t0k; t0k! he claimed dat he is very ke lian; n0 matter wad he say als0 get sc0lded(x hehes. t0k t0 him til 1.50am, den he went p0m p0m & i c0ntinue my sh0w. slept at 3am last nites; and was being warned by him t0 wake up by 10am 0r 1015am latest.! hahaas. but i did wake up uh! just feel s0o tired~! D:
will be heading t0 z00 later(:

T00TER & T00TIE <3


writtern @Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

i'm g0nna g0 p0m p0m s00n and get ready f0r w0rk. 1-9.30pm! raars~! tmr will be my 0FF day(: will be g0ing t0 z00 with t00ter tmr! hehes.

t00ter; i h0pe y0u utd h0w i feel f0r y0u. even th0ugh y0u said y0u c0uld d0 everything that i've said and will n0t d0 things that i d0n't like. but... saying is s0 much easier than d0ing?

i h0pe y0u will keep y0ur pr0mise and n0t t0 disapp0int mi agn.!

T00ter & T00tie <3


writtern @Tuesday, May 05, 2009

w0rk 12.30-9.30pm with kendi t0day(: time pass rather fast i guessed?

after cl0sin; went up t0 arcade t0 catch my lime green stitch. spend $17 f0r it! >.< luckily gt the staff help mi. hehes. if n0t... it wun be mine(x i will upl0ad my cute stitch f0tos in few days time(; after playin; was ard 1005pm? went d0wn t0 sh0p t0 take 0ur bag and i'm g0nna g0 bank-in the cash sale f0r the last few days.

t00ter t0ld mi he 0ff w0rk lerhs, and will reach s00n. s0 i decided t0 call him and ask if he wann pei mi g0 bank-in... he said... YES! hahaas. s0; meet him and 0ff we went happily tgt[:

after dat; he pei mi walk-ed back and i bus h0me.

t00ter; pls dun be sad 0ver the sh0rtage kkaes? dun stress!
ni bu kai xin; w0 ye bu kai xin lerhhs ]:

writtern @Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Monday, May 4, 2009

h0me after w0rk! yawns~! quite b0rin t0day. sales n0t very g00d als0! anyway; we hit 0ur target f0r last mth t0o! c0mmissi0n c0mmissi0n(: hehes.

n0w is 1020pm; i g0nna g0 p0m p0m s00n and 0ut t0 meet my t00ter(: i kn0w its late uh. but i wanna pass him his l0vely present (sh0es & s0cks) & he's g0nna pass mi my new prepaid card t0o^^ actually all are excuses; we just wanna meet each 0ther. xD

but can 0nly meet him f0r awhile; cant g0 h0me late ]:

will update tmr if i g0t time =p

T00TER & T00TIE <3


writtern @Monday, May 04, 2009

Sunday, May 3, 2009

writtern @Sunday, May 03, 2009