ytd was supp0sed t0 be my 0FF day; but was being swap last min! was super upset; c0s supp0se t0 meet dear 0n thur.
but... guess wad? dear t00k MC 0n wed just t0 pei mi^^ went 0ver t0 his hse; watch LA PI XIA0 XIN(: after dat; we went t0 catch a m0vie. HARRY P0TTER! N0T nice! >.<
dear br0ught mi HELLO KITTY DS casin(:(:(: hp strap f0r mi! Lalalas~!
recently, my dear has been super sweet.
i shall tel y0u all wad happened t0day!
MAC SEAWEED FRIES IS BACK! t0ld my dear b0ut it. and... he 0rder macdelivery f0r mi! 0MG! damn t0uched can?! hehes.
my sweet dearr uh =p
tmr i'm g0nna meet him f0r breakfast and we are g0nna g0 0ut and play f0r the wh0le day! w0oh0s! say ha0; he's g0nna pei me g0 d0 my manicure(x
n0w; i'm g0nna d0 my stuff and text him asap(:
my dear; if u saw this...
i wanna say........ THANKS F0R ALL THE SWEET STUFF! <3
T00TER & T00TIE <3
hii peopl3s; finally i'm back here bl0ggin!
these few days; al0t 0b things happened. g0t sad and happy derhs! but i d0ubt i'm g0nna list it all 0ut...
anyway; i just wanna thanks my DEAR! f0r being s0 nice t0 me all this while! t0learatin my temper and accept all the unreas0nable demand!
and this L0VE 0b 0urs is g0nna be REAL~!
T00TER&T00TIE <3
hais. there's al0t 0f things i wanna say; but i just didnt kn0w h0w t0 actually p0st it 0ut.
t0day after w0rk; will be headin t0 FRANKIE BDAE chalet...
i always dun utd, why till n0w i still dun really trust y0u.
i've always been hurtin y0u... s0rry my dear.
i h0pe i c0uld make it up f0r y0u t0night, s0 that i w0n't feel s0 upset 0ver it.
i'm feeling s0 m00dy right n0w~
time pass really fast... i've been with y0u f0r 5 m0nths already. every little thing y0u d0ne; w0uld make mi l0ve y0u m0re & m0re. and... i w0uld really sense y0ur sincere by n0w.
i d0n't kn0w wad i sh0uld say t0 y0u. because n0 w0rds can explained h0w i feel f0r y0u.
y0ur care/c0ncern; was truly appreciated by me^^
i 0nly h0pe... y0u c0uld always stay by my side and let mi c0ntinue t0 l0ve y0u...
because 0f y0u; i learned t0 L0VE again!
ILY [:
T00TER & T00TIE <3
HI pe0ples(: i'm back! i will be updatin 0n last few days incident here. s0 its g0nna be a real l0ng p0st uh!
04/07/09*t0day is my c0usin bdae celebrati0n! s0 i requested f0r 0FF this day. m0rnin, w0ke up ard 10am, and went 0ver t0 dear h0use ard 11.30am? watch my vide0 etc... and we went 0ut ard 2pm? train-ed d0wn t0 cityhall. went t0 MSQ l00kin f0r present / jeans^^ we went t0 M0F f0r lunch, hmmm. still n0t bad(x due t0 insufficient time, s0 we just br0ught 0ne wallet frm wallet sh0p f0r my c0usin present! i wanted t0 buy the bag instead, but last piece luhhs =.=
after dat; as pr0mised, dear br0ught mi waffle ice-cream fr0m MARVELL0US. really DAMN NICE! w0oh0s! after dat; we walked t0 peninsula plaza and peninsula buildin. 0MG! i wun wanna g0 dere anym0re! >.< train-ed back t0 amk next. i cabbed d0wn t0 find my c0usin, while dear went t0 buy tickets and als0 went t0 l00k f0r his buddy!
i 0nly went awhile. ard 9.30pm, i left lerhs. meetin my dear f0r m0vie uh! we watched ICE AGE 3! hehes. the sh0w was n0t bad! we br0ught al0t 0b tibits in! eat; watch; eat!(: after the sh0w; jiu h0me sweet h0me lerhs! =p
08/07/09*my 0FF day(: but i g0t sh0p meetin at 9am. ): and i'm sick! hais. was like sudd g0t flu and fever. 0MG! t0ld my dear; and didnt expect he c0uld apply half day urgent leave just t0 pei mi see d0ct0r! dearrrr! thanks(:<3 y0u larhs! :D s0, my meetin end ard 10am, meet dear at yishun ard 10.20am, we train-ed back t0 amk. 1st; went t0 hab peanuts/fish p0rridge. 2nd; went t0 LIFE clinic. 3rd; went t0 buy my hair c0nditi0ner and lastly, NTUC! meet sz awhile, den jiu went h0me lerhhs. frm 3pm, i slp til 6.30pm! i wasnt feelin alright; but stil... i went t0 find dear at nites.
i went t0 IP and br0ught a pair 0b skinny(: after dat; while walkin t0 bus-interchange, dear br0ught mi 3 tee-shirts! hehes. HAPPY*
bus-ed t0 amk, and went S11. sweet h0me next(:
T00TER & T00TIE <3